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It really boils down to the West waiting for the UN inspectors’ report. The risks, of China power station pump Suppliers course, are obvious. But the question right now is whether it is too late to prevent the region from going over the brink. The Hezbollah movement is helping the Assad regime militarily, leading to bomb attacks on their Beirut stronghold resulting in many deaths.The authorities in Damascus vehemently deny it and Russia blames the opposition in Syria for the attacks. Indeed, on the political plane, there is a deadlock — Syria’s fate hangs in the balance as outside غير مجاز مي باشد powers negotiate their competing interests. But the way events are developing it is possible that cruise missiles will fly into Syria while the inspectors are still there.There are no easy answers to a problem that has exploded even as Syria has descended into more than two years of strife. In a sense, he has nowhere to hide even though Americans are loath to be involved in another war in the region after Iraq and Afghanistan, and after the US administration loudly broadcast its pivot to Asia policy. The Arab and larger West Asian world are deeply divided between Saudi Arabia, the other Gulf monarchies and Turkey on one side and Iran, the Lebanese Hezbollah movement and their respective superpower patrons on the other.Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN and Arab League mediator on Syria, has added his voice to appeal to the major powers to use the mechanism of the UN Security Council to resolve the issue diplomatically.For the United States, the dilemma is even more acute.Russia is warning of consequences if the West does strike militarily on Syrian targets.The writer can be contacted at . But since it, together with Iran, has espoused and supported the Assad regime with arms and diplomatic cover, Moscow’s ability to play the role of a peacemaker is compromised.Diplomatic moves by Britain and others are more in the nature of foreplay to a near-certainty of military intervention.The plan seems to be to make a point by targeting key military targets in Syria in the hope that it will not expand the conflagration.If the present crisis is reminiscent of a witches’ brew, there is much blame to go around.The world is staring at another military intervention by the United States and its allies in Syria to punish the Assad government for allegedly using chemical agents leading to hundreds of deaths of civilians. No wonder Israel is buttressing its defences on the occupied Golan Heights while the laboured American formula to restart talks with Palestinians has become a victim of a fresh Israeli incursion killing Palestinians. For the West, the choices appear equally bleak. President Barack Obama famously drew red lines for Syria on the use of chemical weapons.The likelihood of some kind of military intervention is increasing by the hour as the scale of deaths in Syria, apparently past the 100,000-mark, is an indictment of the prevailing state of power play, and the use of chemical weapons has brought a horrendous equation to an already combustible

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Batiuk describes an ancient society in which the drinking and offering of wine penetrates and permeates nearly every aspect of life from medical practice to special celebrations, from birth to death, to everyday meals at which toasting is common.It grew under ideal environmental conditions in early Neolithic times, similar to premium wine-producing regions in Italy and southern France today.Scientists said that the combined archaeological, chemical, botanical, climatic and radiocarbon data provided by the analysis demonstrate that the Eurasian grapevine Vitis vinifera was abundant around the sites."As a medicine, social lubricant, mind-altering substance, and highly valued commodity, wine became the focus of religious cults, pharmacopeias, cuisines, economics, and society throughout the ancient Near East," he said.Previously, the earliest known chemical evidence of wine dated to 5400-5000 BC and was from an area in the Zagros Mountains of Iran.The newest methods of chemical extraction confirmed tartaric acid, the fingerprint compound for grape and wine as well as three associated organic acids - malic, succinic and citric - in the residue recovered from eight large jars.Excavations have focused on two Early Ceramic Neolithic sites (6000-4500 BC) called Gadachrili Gora and Shulaveris Gora, about 50 kilometres south of the modern capital of Tbilisi.Batiuk cites ancient viniculture as a prime example of human ingenuity in developing horticulture, and creative uses for its byproducts."Our research suggests that one of the primary adaptations of the Neolithic way of life as it spread to Caucasia was viniculture," said Batiuk."We believe this is the oldest example of the domestication of a wild-growing Eurasian grapevine solely for the production of wine," said Stephen Batiuk, research associate at University of Toronto."The domesticated version of the fruit has more than 10,000 varieties of table and wine grapes worldwide," said Batiuk, co-author of the Wholesale power station pump study published in the journal PNAS.Scientists have discovered evidence of the worlds earliest winemaking in Georgia, dating back to the origin of the practice to the Neolithic period around 6000 BC.Researchers from University of Toronto in Canada and Georgian National Museum found that the practice began hundreds of years earlier in the South Caucasus region on the border of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.The sites excavated are remnants of two villages that date back to the Neolithic period, which began around 15200 BC in parts of the Middle East and ended between 4500 and 2000 BC in other parts of the world.Pottery fragments of ceramic jars recovered from the sites were collected and subsequently analysed by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania in the US to ascertain the nature of the residue preserved inside for several millennia."The domestication of the grape apparently led eventually led to the emergence of a wine culture in the region," he said.The Neolithic period is characterised by a package of activities that include the beginning of farming, the domestication of animals, the development of crafts such as pottery and weaving, and the making of polished stone tools.."Georgia is home to over 500 varieties for wine alone, suggesting that grapes have been domesticated and cross- breeding in the region for a very long time," he said.

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